
Solvent refers to a substance that has the ability to dissolve another substance. There is usually no reaction between the solvent and the solute and no new substance is produced. For example, when water dissolves in a polar substance, water molecules due to the force exerted by the solvent on the water molecules. They are separated and placed between solvent molecules.

Water is the most famous and abundant mineral solvent in our world, which is also called the global solvent.

Chemical solvents are generally liquid at ambient temperature but are also present in solid form (ionic solvents) or gases (carbon dioxide). Dissolving a substance in another compound can be done for different purposes.

Chemical solvent

Chemical solvents are substances that dissolve other substances and salts in themselves, which are called solutes.

Solvents can be solid and gaseous liquids and even a supercritical liquid, which in most cases are liquid and have a higher percentage of soluble in the solution formed.

The rate of solute dissolution in solvents can depend on various factors, the most important of which is temperature, and the dissolution of a substance is directly related to temperature.


The most abundant and common solvent known is water. This solvent dissolves many ionic and covalent compounds. Solutions whose solvent is water are called aqueous solution (aq). Water and aqueous solutions play an important role in daily life. Two-thirds of the human body is water. Most biochemical processes such as digestion, absorption and metabolism of food are performed in aqueous solution. In the chemical industry, too, a large number of reactions take place in the aqueous medium.


After water, ethanol is the most important industrial solvent. This colorless and volatile liquid is mixed with water in any amount. Ethanol is also used to disinfect wounds and to produce medicines, cosmetics. Ethanol dissolves in water in any proportion.


Toluene (methyl benzene) is a colorless, flammable liquid and is used as a chemical solvent in various industries such as paints and resins. Toluene is an aromatic hydrocarbon and is found in large quantities in coal tar. When coal is heated in special furnaces, some different gases are released and coke is obtained with a black liquid called tar. In addition to toluene, tar contains many aromatic hydrocarbons such as benzene and naphthalene.

402 solvent

Solvent 402 is based on kerosene, which is produced in the following three grades, each of which is used in specific industries :

  • Grade A : Mainly used in paint, thinner, printing, etc.
  • Grade B : Mainly used in lacquer and alcohol industries, textile printing, waxes for home furniture and flooring, etc.
  • Grade C : Mainly used in the production of degreasing solvents from metal surfaces and cleaning sprays, etc.

403 solvent

The company’s 403 solvent is based on kerosene and is mainly used to produce heavy hydrocarbons (like diesel). Due to the booming hydrocarbon market in neighboring Afghanistan, this solvent is in high demand among domestic hydrocarbon producers.

406 solvnet

This solvent is mostly used in chemical, cosmetic and food industries.

410 solvent

Solvent 410 is mainly used in rubber, adhesive and paint and resin industries and is one of the most popular solvents in the market.

List of other solvents

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