Gasoline (French: Gasoil) or petroleum gas or diesel fuel (French: Diésel) is not used as fuel for diesel engines and thermal installations. Its hydrocarbon range is between C14-C20 and even C25 with a boiling point range of 385-250 degrees Celsius. Petroleum gas mainly consists of three groups of paraffinic, naphthenic and aromatic, has a minimum flash point of 54 ° C and a maximum pour point of 0 ° C. Its density at 15.6 ° C is equal to 820-860 kg / m3. The most important feature is the number of cylinders, which must be more than 50 for the engine to run smoothly and quietly


Gasoline is one of the relatively heavy products of crude oil and is obtained after kerosene in the distillation tower. Diesel is one of the cuts that is produced in both atmospheric distillation tower and vacuum distillation tower. Also, many refinery units, such as cracking, hydrocracking and coking units, produce diesel in addition to gasoline by changing the structure of heavy oil cuts

Diesel is a colorless liquid, and in order to identify it and distinguish it from other liquids and products, they change its color to a brownish color. Diesel is a mixture of different hydrocarbons that have between 14 and 20 (even up to 25) carbon atoms in their molecular structure. The most important use of diesel is as fuel for diesel engines, thermal installations and fuel of some factories

Diesel Fuel

Diesel fuel is any liquid fuel used in diesel engines. This fuel is mostly obtained by a special distillation method other than diesel oil, but there are other methods for processing diesel fuel without the use of oil, such as Biodiesel, liquefied biomass (BTL) and liquefied petroleum gas (GTL) were mentioned, and their global use is increasing rapidly. To dispel the ambiguity between oil-derived species and other species, the oil species is called diesel or petrodiesel. Very Low Sulfur Diesel is the standard definition of diesel that has very low sulfur. According to 2007 statistics, almost all diesel fuel used in the United States and Europe is of a very low sulfur content

Differences between diesel and gasoline

The two fuels are different in terms of different aspects, which we intend to address in more detail below

The chemical composition of gasoline is basically made from a combination of hydrocarbons of length 7 (heptane) or 8 (trimethylpentane); Diesel, on the other hand, contains a combination of petroleum hydrocarbons in the range of 8 (octane) to 21 (undecode). The chemical formula of gasoline is C8H18 and the chemical formula of diesel is C12H23

CO2 emissions Because gasoline has a higher percentage of carbon atoms per molecule, it produces approximately 13% more gasoline, CO2, or carbon dioxide

The energy content of diesel is higher in terms of energy content than gasoline. The energy content of gasoline is 33.7 megajoules per kilogram and diesel is 36.7 megajoules per kilogram; As a result, diesel fuel is 16% ahead of its competitor in this area

History of Gasoline

The first internal combustion engines suitable for use in transportation applications, so-called Otto engines, were developed in Germany during the last quarter of the 19th century. The fuel for these early engines was a relatively volatile hydrocarbon obtained from coal gas. With a boiling point near 85 ° C (185 ° F) (octane boils about 40 ° C higher), it was well-suited for early carburetors (evaporators). The development of a “spray nozzle” carburetor enabled the use of less volatile fuels. Further improvements in engine efficiency were attempted at higher compression ratios, but early attempts were blocked by the premature explosion of fuel, known as knocking

In 1891, the Shukhov cracking process became the world’s first commercial method to break down heavier hydrocarbons in crude oil to increase the percentage of lighter products compared to simple distillation

Gasoline is the main U.S. transportation fuel

In 2020, Americans used about 123 billion gallons of gasoline engine — or about 337 million gallons per day — and about 166 million gallons of gasoline aviation. Gasoline is one of the major fuels consumed in the United States and is the main product that U.S. oil refineries produce. Most of the gasoline engine sold for use in vehicles in the United States is about 10% fuel ethanol by volume

U.S. consumers use gasoline in

In 2020, total gasoline consumption accounted for about 59% of total transportation sector energy consumption, 44% of total petroleum consumption, and 16% of total U.S. energy consumption

Light-duty vehicles (cars, sport utility vehicles, and small trucks) account for about 92% of all gasoline consumption in the United States

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